by Vicki Becker
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:27)
I babysit my granddaughters on a regular basis. When the four-year-old is up to something, she often says to me, “Don’t worry Grammie, I got this.” That usually means, “althought what I’m doing may look dangerous to you Grammie, have faith in me. I have this under control.”
It makes me think of all the times I let worry take over my life, and God is saying to me, “Don’t worry, Vicki, I got this. Just give it to me.”
You cannot add one day to your life by worrying, so why not give it over to the One that can give you rest? He does not want you to carry this or any burden alone.
Perhaps the answer may come through sharing with a fellow follower, my Home group, the prayer chain—or maybe via a daily devotional.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)