vol clearances bp

Volunteer Clearance Requirements

Anyone interested in volunteering with any of our children or youth (ages 0-18) must complete the PA required clearances to be eligible to start volunteering. Here are links to complete each step as well as paper copy of our regulations/help on completing the process.

You must complete:

1. PA Child Abuse History Clearance
2. PA State Police Criminal Record Check
3. FBI Federal Criminal History Clearance and Fingerprinting OR complete a PA Residency Affidavit indicating you have been a continuous resident of Pennsylvania for the past 10 years.
Note: If you already have copies of the needed clearances less than 5 years old you can provide copies to the church office.

Volunteer Clearance Links

#1 – PA Child Abuse History Clearance


#2 – PA State Police Criminal Record Check


#3 – FBI Federal Fingerprinting or PA Residency Affidavit

https://uenroll.identogo.com/ (Enter Service Code: 1KG6ZJ)