Men’s Bible Studies:

The King’s Table
This evening men’s Bible study welcomes participants from high school age on up. We share a time of worship and a fellowship meal together followed by a small group led Bible study and discussion. Men are invited to join us as we share great conversation around God’s Word as we try to practically apply scripture to shape us into the Christ-like men He created us to be.
Where: CABC Gym
When: 1st Thursday (Oct-May) at 6:30pm
Facilitated by: Michael Freeman

Morning Men’s Bible Study
Men who have mornings available to them are invited to join together for a time of connection and fellowship and God’s Word. We will be watching and discussing various series from RightNow Media.
Where: Room 208
When: 4th Thursdays each month at 10:00am (may vary around holidays)
Facilitated by: Don Abbey & Terry Hess
Other Men’s Events:

Men’s Breakfast
Enjoy breakfast together for a time of devotion and fellowship every 3rd Saturday from September through May. Meet at Perkins in Hanover on Eisenhower Drive. Connect with Brian Reigart with any questions.
Fellow movie fans are invited to join us to screen the latest Marvel movies. (DC and Star Wars movies are seen too.) A time of fellowship, lively discussion, and meal out typically follow. Connect with Pastor Josh if interested or for more info.